Thursday, July 27, 2017

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: Humans were banned to Earth a very long time ago for their creativity, and an environment was shaped around them to ensure they never needed anything from outside of their home planet. Yet the universe forgot that along with aloof creativity and imagination comes an insatiable curiosity.

Pinned to Hear ye, Hear ye..... on Pinterest

Pinned to Hear ye, Hear ye..... on Pinterest
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Friday, July 21, 2017

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: Message of freedom…(Mensaje de libertad.)

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Monday, July 17, 2017

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: I absolutely love this. Hind sight is 20/20. Its amazing how clearly you can see a situation for what it was once you're removed from it.

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: The night is mine. Rene Magritte - Jupiter in Virgo (1965) Excerpt from Naomi Shihab Nye’s poem So Much Happiness- "Since there is no place large enough to contain so much happiness, you shrug, you raise your hands, and it flows out of you into everything you touch. You are not responsible. You take no credit, as the night sky takes no credit for the moon, but continues to hold it, and share it, and in that way, be known."

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: The Teachings of Eckhart Tolle

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: The Calling

Friday, July 14, 2017

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: The problem with point B – Higher Thoughts – Medium

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: If you listen and dictate your life choices by the opinion of others, then I promise you that you will never reach YOUR goals. Others, even those who love us, may not see (metaphorically) the vision that we see and aspire to. It could be as Da Vinci tells us here. We are awakened in ourselves and realize that others around us are still asleep. Get up, and follow your dreams.

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: ME ENCANTA LA PLAYA.... ❤

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Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: This is me

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Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: Georgia O'Keeffe - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #2360

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: I love lighthouses in general, but this picture is amazing.

Pinned to Hear ye, Hear ye..... on Pinterest

Description: KingPinner BobbyGinnings
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Pinned to Hear ye, Hear ye..... on Pinterest

Description: Curiano Quotes Life - Quote, Love Quotes, Life Quotes, Live Life Quote, and Letting Go Quotes. Visit this blog now
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Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: painting on driftwood - Google Search

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: I feel so much that it's hard for me at times to feel anything at all ..

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: Cycling is cheaper than therapy.

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Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: cannabis sativa bonsai - Repinned by Sativa Magazine

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Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: bycicle

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Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: Narcissistic sociopath relationship abuse

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....:

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: Her smoke rose up forever, Laurence Demaison

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Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: White Spinnaker by John Harris

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Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: Lowcountry Light - Exhibition - Anglin Smith Fine Art

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Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: In Truth We Find ALL That We Have Loved,Lost,Found,Discarded,And Made Whole Again.It Is Never Lost,Only Hidden.-Divalousity .

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Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: 'Breakable Heart' from #LoveHerWild #atticuspoetry #atticus #poetry #poem #heart #love

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Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: Henrik Aarrestad Uldalen 3

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Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: "May all beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering." - Buddha

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Description: ❤️
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Sunday, July 9, 2017

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: Sometimes, you just have to Bow your Head, Say a Prayer, and Weather the Storm.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: .

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: Breathtaking.

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: Gary Walton original 'Gone Fishing'

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Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: Every time I start to let my wall down with you, and want to trust in you...another lie..

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: poem. jose chaves. to me, the ocean is birth and death, and where my soul hopes to return

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: 40 Inspirational And Motivational Quotes That Will Make Your Day

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Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: Black Soul

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Description: Philosophy
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Pinned to Hear ye, Hear ye..... on Pinterest

Pinned to Hear ye, Hear ye..... on Pinterest
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Pinned to Hear ye, Hear ye..... on Pinterest

Description: See this Instagram photo by @rupikaur_ • 36.1k likes
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Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: Wow! This is good.

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: Good question.

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Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: Neil Gaiman

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: Such a touching piece of art. The Lord protects us all, no one is better than another. I don't care what or who you are God loves us all.

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: Gary Walton acrylic 'Lighthouse Dreams II'

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Pinned to Hear ye, Hear ye..... on Pinterest

Description: Noam Chomsky
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Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: If you've been called un-American for criticizing the President?

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Description: How is it that your republican friend will tell you they believe in full verification before gun purchases, that they believe in women's rights and that they agree with 99% of scientists that climate change exists but still vote the same fools that don't support any of that back into office?
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Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: Native Wisdom