Friday, April 28, 2017

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: Who is smarter, prettier, or can fly faster and higher: black birds, blue birds, purple birds, parrots, or owls?! The wise ole owl says, "Yada yada yada, whooo gives a hoot!"

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: Music is my escape

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: LIFE IS NOT A RACE...

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: Kahlil Gibran on The Tension Between Reason and the Silence Required for Thinking

Pinned to Spaces in my Mind..... on Pinterest

Just Pinned to Spaces in my Mind.....: